Sunday, February 24, 2013

Angry Birds

My oldest son loves Angry Birds. It started off as playing on a friends phone, I will forever internally hate him for showing my 4 year old that game. Then my brother downloaded the game on his phone. Then slowly the game made its way on my phone, the iPad, then slowly Daddy's kindle when he returned.

His obsession with the games branched out with my mom's help to apparel, stuffed animals, games, and decor. So when asked what party theme he wanted, ta-dah... it was Angry Birds. So after searching & researching ideas for Angry Bird parties I kept all the stuff together on my Pinterest Angry Bird board. I used a lot of these ideas to help get my own.

We used my digital camera until it decided to die, my phone was low on battery, and right now my iPad is out of commission so I dont have a lot of pictures from our cute decorations. I found really cheap birds nests at target in the dollar section and put those on each table with eggs & blue feathers. We decorated with his Angry bird toys. I'm trying to find someone with photos of those.

My mom ordered 2 pinatas for $25 each from the corner pinata store, but I can never remember the name of it.
I finally ordered another moon bounce for him. I haven't ordered one since his first birthday. We kept having to get the kids out to do our activities, it wasnt worth the hassle. So I prepared this time with allotted bounce time and less activities. We taped Angry Bird pictures on either side of the entrance.

I had "Bird food": our healthy selection of foods like Veggie tray, fruit, nuts, Angry bird cheese its. I had "Pig food": our very unhealthy 'pig out food' like chips, dips, candy, King pig finally got the eggs and made them deviled! hahaha...

I took a picture of the homemade pizzas to my local Cici's pizza and asked them for 4 angry bird pizzas. This was the result! Even better... they were the same price as a regular pepperoni pizza!

We bought two cakes & attached them together with a brand new angry bird game for decoration that later became a toy he could play with after it was washed.

We played pin the crown on King Pig. That's my brothers wonderful artwork.

I had blue tablecloths because thats his favorite color. We supplemented colors with red & green. WE had a few tables that had the official angry bird table cloths. Out cups, plates, napkins, etc were from Party City.
Oh we also used an edible marker to draw pig faces on green gumballs.
It was a hit, he was happy & loved the whole party!
Happy 5th birthday.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Homemade Playdoh Goo....

So I figure more time with kids less time on pinterest and farming is always good. So last night I found some recipes on pinterest for homemade playdoh. I seemed to have everything I needed.
I found a recipe here that asked for 1/2 cup of conditioner, 1 cup flour, 2tsp oil, and food coloring.

She said she substituted the conditioner for koolaid. So I have koolaid.... so I used koolaid. I'm thinking now that maybe I should have added water...

My 2 yr old was excited to help make it before play. So I had her pour in all the measured ingredients.

We finished making it, kneading it, and the color finally set in.
So she got to play with it and is extremely happy I let her use my cookie cutters.

My son finally emerged from his room. Billy had pre-k this morning and of course is avoiding his homework again. So when he came to me, he saw his sister playing and automatically started to take out her jewels, which in turn made her scream.

So I pulled him away from her and guided him to the kitchen. We tried this recipe to see if it worked any better. I have Ivory soap. This seemed greasier than the oil and it wasn't clumping any better than the previous playdoh recipe. He liked the blue coloring we added to it.

I don't know. Try these recipes and let me know if they worked for you.

I was really trying to avoid having to cook the recipe because the kids aren't that patient. So now I'm debating whether I should whip ot up right now in Green before Beau wakes up so it's cooled and ready. Hmm?

It's been about 30 minutes with the children playing. Forming, kneading, grinding, etc. It seems like the second recipe has become more managable. The first one is completly crumbled now and greasier. So, live and learn.

*pictures will be added later after I upload them from the camera. ;)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Look

So it's super bowl sunday... Oh, I'm sorry... Super Bowl Sunday!!! Yay!!... Not so much. I'm bored. My kids are still sleeping, my husband is at his dads for the game.

Okay, so not so much, my little monster woke up. :) He is my son that needs constant supervision and no discipline works on him. I.e. I started the pancakes, handed him a cup of milk, he didn't want it, but instead of saying it he laid it next to him on the couch to slowly pour out.. Ugh.. a mess and he's been up for 5 minutes...

I figured I could work on my blog. So I opened Paint and started designing... the original was all in yellow... then light yellow... and finally this gray.

I put 3 bees, in the center stripe of each one is the color representing my children. :) I like it.

So now, I have to figure out the rest of the blog. I started my googling HTML code. I used to be able to play with the codes when I was on Myspace. I re-designed my page almost every week. Some of my friends even asked me to do their pages. This HTML Tutorial is great and can take you through the whole process.

Then I went through Blogger and used the template changer... and now Voilia! A pretty blog. Hope you like it better!