Friday, August 5, 2016

Crocheting - not just your grandmothers hobby

I have tried to learn to crochet... and the yarn gets thrown against the wall or in a box to be hidden from my site until it behaves.

It never does.

However, in February with my mom's coaxing... and help from my grandmother and new best friend Brit... I finally got it.

There were some embarrassing starts - Brit still has my "pea pod" as a rearview mirror decoration.. which of course was not what I was trying to make. But I figured it out and then crochet'd with a fury. The end of the year brought goodbye gifts for everyone and my children put requests in.

So with Billy - I had to make 10 dinosaurs for his classmates. I tried several different patterns.. I ended up creating my own pattern because I HATE sewing parts together, so I if I can just increase and decrease to make one. I'm happier. If you want the pattern - message me. If i have energy I might put it on the page.

Beau wanted octopi for his class. So I knocked out 18 octopi in different colors (because I kept finishing the yarn). The good part is I learned how to take a pattern and change it for size.

I made Baby's class diplomas. She graduated kinder this year. So I gave them each a keepsake crochet diploma and a ring pop.

All my pictures are on my phone... so until I can get to them through maybe my laptop. I also might finally give in to the google photo app.

You can check out any of the patterns I'm interested in on My Pinterest board.

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